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Page history last edited by Tony Vincent 11 years, 8 months ago

A wiki is a collection of webpages designed to enable

those with access to easily add or edit content.



When you hear the word wiki, you probably think of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia anyone can edit. Wikipedia may be the largest wiki, but educators are creating their own wikis, large and small, to improve learning, communication, and collaboration.


A wiki is a website designed for multiple people to collaborate by adding and editing content. Some saywiki is a acronym for What I Know Is since a wiki as designed for multiple authors. However, the word wikiis actually Hawaiian and means quick. Wikis really are a fast way to make a web page or site. If you can use Microsoft Word, you can use a wiki.





Wiki started by by Tony Vincent


tonyvincent.netLearning in HandArizona K12 Center Blog

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